Monday, 21 March 2016

Te Amoo Much Estupida

Love is a precious emotion thats why sometimes we become love with some people whom we might even didn't like much . sometimes we used to act like we love them but honestly most of the times we fails ! But when we try to hate anyone sometimes we used to attached with them like we love them , and in the end we really starts to do . But in some occasions we used to flirt or cheat someone but unintentionally we starts to fall for them ! But when we loose that love we become a patient! For love ! We might even starts to behave like a drug addict when he didn't get his stuff ! So don't hurt someone when you know that in the end you will be dying by seeing them hurt ! And it hurt much when you are the reason for it !

"Today when I see him in TV all came in ma mind is you ! I really miss you ! I don't know what was that magic between us which always bring us together, even after some big fights ! I never used to say sorry ! but when it comes to you , I never bother what ! You hold my hand even you were at miles far but i was always surrounded by you .  All I wanted was you , your smile , your texts ,Your Spiritualism believes, your prayers, your jealousy , my angry , your status, our fights and our Love ... But in the end whole that little things really used to make our day , it was "I Hate You Like I Love You " "

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